Central Oregon Comedy Scene brings the Best up and Coming comics from all over the US to right here to Central Oregon. $15 online /$20 at the door.
(Though this is an inclusive group, we do warn you might be offended because we believe in the first ademndment)
This September 16th at Seven Night Club we Present a Comedy Show Case. Doors Open at 7pm and show starts at 8pm.
Delaney Malone is a wild card comedian that is fearless and doesnt care what you think of her! She is chasing to be funny and let everyone know about it!
Steve Harper is a comedian from here in Central Oregon and is one of the OGs he has a wild past life that he can only hope his daughter doesnt live up too and he’s always worried about the littpe things he says as he raises her!
Geoff Boussaeu is a Comedian from Seattle Washington that has been in the game for 15 years! He has outlandish perceptions on life!
Come check these guys out at Seven night club this friday September 16th starting at 8pm! 21+ only!!!
What is it you’ve been looking for but have never been able to find?
There’s a peace and relaxation possible for everyone in the world, and in receiving a simple process for bodies, called Access Bars, it can occur with total ease.
Best of all, it’s not hard to learn.
By learning or receiving the Access Bars® technique, you can give yourself and your clients, friends, family, and co-workers the care, kindness, and nurturing you require with total ease.
Global Pricing, Repeat Pricing and Age Pricing applies.
Your individual and applied pricing can be seen under Billing & Payments after registering.
With COVID-19 restrictions on gathering, some Access Bars facilitators are choosing to offer online Access Bars classes. Access Bars® is a hands-on process and best received by attending a LIVE class.
If you attend an ONLINE class, you must have someone with you in person attending the same class for you to trade the Access Bars process together.
Once you receive the class manual PDF, you cannot have a refund for the ONLINE class.
For meeting prerequisites to become an Access Bars facilitator, only one of the three required Access Bars classes can be taken online.
Long-distance Access Bars sessions do not work, as it is a hands-on process that only works with the energy created by touching. It simply does NOT work long distance!
What is it you’ve been looking for but have never been able to find?
There’s a peace and relaxation possible for everyone in the world, and in receiving a simple process for bodies, called Access Bars, it can occur with total ease.
Best of all, it’s not hard to learn.
By learning or receiving the Access Bars® technique, you can give yourself and your clients, friends, family, and co-workers the care, kindness, and nurturing you require with total ease.
Global Pricing, Repeat Pricing and Age Pricing applies.
Your individual and applied pricing can be seen under Billing & Payments after registering.
With COVID-19 restrictions on gathering, some Access Bars facilitators are choosing to offer online Access Bars classes. Access Bars® is a hands-on process and best received by attending a LIVE class.
If you attend an ONLINE class, you must have someone with you in person attending the same class for you to trade the Access Bars process together.
Once you receive the class manual PDF, you cannot have a refund for the ONLINE class.
For meeting prerequisites to become an Access Bars facilitator, only one of the three required Access Bars classes can be taken online.
Long-distance Access Bars sessions do not work, as it is a hands-on process that only works with the energy created by touching. It simply does NOT work long distance!
Oregon’s glaciers are the natural water reservoirs of the high Cascade water towers. Glacier meltwater sustains rivers during the late summer and fall for flora, fauna and irrigation. The glacier melt chills streams for salmon and trout, with the attendant effect of cooling surrounding forests that reduces fire risk and intensity. In short, glaciers are an integral part of Central Oregon ecosystems and economies.
And yet, we do not know how many glaciers remain today in the basin, let alone how many existed a century ago. In this talk, Dr. Anders Carlson will present on the Oregon Glacier Institute’s findings from the first census of glaciers in Oregon since the 1950s. We will examine how these glacier changes are related to regional climate change, concluding the discussion on what the future holds for the remaining glaciers in the Deschutes Basin.
Short description: To get ahead of the Pole Pedal Paddle pack during the on-water leg of Bend’s favorite multi-sport race, sign-up for Tumalo Creek’s affordable two-hour strategy clinic!
Long description: To get you ahead of the Pole Pedal Paddle pack during the on-water leg of Bend’s favorite multi-sport race, sign-up for Tumalo Creek’s two-hour clinic. Our skilled instructors will give you an overview of the urban Deschutes River Pole Pedal Paddle course as well as specific strategies to utilize the current and eddies in this portion of the river. Tumalo Creek will provide boats for the clinic at no extra charge, but we recommend bringing your race day boat. Note: This is a paddleboard friendly class!
Short Description: We know you’ve been wanting to learn to paddleboard for a long time! Tumalo Creek’s annual paddle festival weekend is the best time to learn. Ease into paddling with the most affordable lessons all year!
Long Description: Because paddle sports are the perfect summer compliment to a four season outdoor enthusiast in Central Oregon, we know you’ve been wanting to learn to standup paddleboard. Tumalo Creek Kayak & Canoe’s 20th annual Spring Paddlefest Weekend is the perfect opportunity to give it a try! Tumalo Creek Kayak & Canoe will be offering two-hour intro to kayak and standup paddleboard courses for only $35 on April 27th, May 3rd & 5th, free demos on May 4th at Riverbend Park and retail paddle gear will be on sale in store throughout the weekend!
After this clinic, participants will be able to effectively navigate boats or boards by using a variety of basic strokes and paddle techniques. You’ll develop the technique and confidence to enjoy Central Oregon’s waterways on your own!
Saturday’s Paddlefest Celebration at Riverbend Park will be the perfect time to try your new paddle skills while demoing the latest boat and board models from premier brands and manufacturers.
Short Description:
We know you’ve been wanting to learn to kayak for a long time! Tumalo Creek’s annual paddle festival weekend is the best time to learn. Ease into paddling with the most affordable lessons all year!
Long Description: Because paddle sports are the perfect summer compliment to a four season outdoor enthusiast in Central Oregon, we know you’ve been wanting to learn to kayak. Tumalo Creek Kayak & Canoe’s 20th annual Spring Paddlefest Weekend is the perfect opportunity to give it a try! Tumalo Creek Kayak & Canoe will be offering two-hour intro to kayak and standup paddleboard courses for only $35 on April 27th, May 3rd & 5th, free demos on May 4th at Riverbend Park and retail paddle gear will be on sale in store throughout the weekend!
After this clinic, participants will be able to effectively navigate boats or boards by using a variety of basic strokes and paddle techniques. You’ll develop the technique and confidence to enjoy Central Oregon’s waterways on your own!
Saturday’s Paddlefest Celebration at Riverbend Park will be the perfect time to try your new paddle skills while demoing the latest boat and board models from premier brands and manufacturers.
See Tumalocreek.com for further details.
Dates and times: April 27 (1-3pm), May 3 (10-12pm), May 5 (10-12pm, 1-3pm)
Ready to learn the life long sport of paddling? Then don’t miss Paddle Festival!
Tumalo Creek Kayak and Canoe will hold the Spring Paddle Festival on Saturday, May 4, 2018. Join us from 10 a.m.- 4 p.m. at Riverbend Park and demo dozens of kayaks, canoes, paddleboards and more. Tumalo Creek staff will be on hand to help you get on the water safely. Spring Paddlefest is the perfect opportunity for those who are interested in buying their first boat or board, as well as those who are looking to upgrade. The event brings the widest variety of paddle sports gear to Central Oregon each year. Come down and try out 2018 boats and boards and see the latest and greatest technology in paddling.
We’ll be joined by industry representatives from Hobie Cat Company, Eddyline Kayaks, Wenonah Canoe, Wilderness Systems Kayaks, Current Design, Jackson Kayak, KIALOA, Werner Paddles, Hurricane Kayaks, Johnson Kayaks, Surftech USA, Emotion Kayaks, Native Canoes, Boardworks Surf, and Confluence Kayaks.
Paddle Festival Clinics
If you’ve never kayaked, paddleboarded or canoed before, sign up for one of our Spring Paddlefest Clinics on Friday, May 3 or Sunday, May 5. Friday clinics are a great option for those who would like to learn the basics of kayaking or paddleboarding and get comfortable on the water before coming to our demo day on Saturday.
From walk-in wilderness to full hook-up RV camping, Central Oregon has a multitude of camping destinations. Here are six must-see sites that suit every style.
written by Eric Flowers
Car Camping
Car Camping. It’s still a dirty word in some circles, usually predicated with some dubious claims of laziness. (Hint: there are no lazy people in Bend. And if there are, they aren’t out camping.) Kids are also a convenient excuse. As in, “We used to backpack the (insert amazing, secluded wilderness area), but with the kids…”
The dirty little secret is that car camping is as American as the fastball and cherry pie. So let’s stop making excuses as to why we loaded up the Subaru to overflow, brought two sets of everything and threw in the reclining chairs for good measure. Camping in style doesn’t go out of style.
That isn’t to say there isn’t a time and place for a multiday backpacking trip subsisting on dehydrated food and filtered water, but let’s give car camping its due. With that said, you could probably exhaust back issues of any camping-centric magazine looking for the perfect destination and not find a better basecamp than Bend. Local geography finds us perched on the edge of a mountain range and a desert that stretches to the Great Basin. It’s not an exaggeration to say that you could stand atop Pilot Butte, survey the horizon and find a worthy destination in every direction. With so many options, here are a few recommendations to either add to your bucket list or keep in your regular rotation.
Wild & Scenic Crooked River
Just a short forty-five-minute drive from most parts of Bend, it’s easy to forget just what an amazing resource Central Oregon has in the Crooked River. One of two major tributaries to the Deschutes, including the Metolius, the Crooked River springs to life high in the Ochoco Mountains before turning northwest toward its intersection with the Deschutes at Crooked River Ranch. Before it gets there, it passes through a roughly fifteen-mile stretch below Prineville Reservoir that was designated as a Wild and Scenic waterway by Congress in 1988. Here the river twists through a rugged basalt canyon with soaring rimrock walls. The river dances along in riffles and pools beside the Crooked River highway, offering amazing access to this resource. Beginning at Big Bend, just below Bowman Dam, campgrounds sprout along the highway—tucked in groves of mature Ponderosa and juniper. Thanks to good fishing and great access, spots can be hard to come by in peak season, but those who arrive early are rewarded with a stunningly scenic backdrop for a weekend camping excursion.
“It’s nice when you live in the city to get away from the stress and everything,” said Melissa Byrne, who staked out a perfect spot below the iconic Chimney Rock on an early May weekend.
Byrne, 53, who works as a service contract manager, said she and her partner weren’t headed anywhere in particular when they packed up their station wagon and loaded in their dog, George, an amiable Dachshund mix.
“We try not to go to the same place twice,” she said. “We kind of go where we end up.”
East and Paulina Lakes
While sometimes overlooked by locals, this popular destination draws visitors from around the Northwest and beyond—and for good reason. It’s not every campground that’s nested in the belly of a dormant shield volcano, though you wouldn’t really guess Newberry’s cataclysmic history based on the serenity found there today. Thanks to restrictions on motorized recreation, the entire inner rim of the volcano is designated as a National Monument. It’s easy to slip away from the sounds of the campground and escape for a quiet sunset. A year-round destination for some, thanks to extensive snowmobile and backcountry skiing opportunities, Newberry really comes alive in late spring when the road is finally cleared after a winter of accumulated snow. This opens up scores of small and large campsites that ring the two lakes located in the bowels of the volcano, a product of eons of snow and rain melt. In addition to world-class fishing (Paulina Lake yielded the state record brown trout), there are miles of shore hiking trails, as well as a popular trail around the entire crater rim that is a must for experienced mountain bikers. There are also DIY hot springs around the area that make for great soaking pools when dug out with a shovel. A pair of resorts (one on East Lake and one on Paulina) means you’re in luck for last-minute supplies.
Paulina Lake
Photo by Mike Houska
East Lake
Photo by Sarah Durfee
Crane Prairie Reservoir
Photo by Jon Tapper
Trailers & RV
Combine the fickle weather of the Northwest with the predictable unpredictability of mountain climates and you have a recipe for snow in July and frost on the ground before October. This can make for, well, challenging conditions to enjoy the great outdoors. Add in a few kids and overworked parents, and you’ve got a recipe for a camping disaster. It’s probably no wonder that so many families have embraced a refined approach with the addition of travel trailers and, in some cases, motorhomes. But let’s get this out of the way: No one wants to saddle up next to a rig with a generator running outside their tent door or wake up with a forty-foot coach parked in what was previously a view of the evening sunset. That being so, there’s a time and place for trailers and motorhomes. Those who thumb their noses should try sleeping in a tent with a crying infant or spending a weekend huddled against an October winter storm with only a vinyl wall for insulation. Trust us. There’s a better way.
Dave Naftalin was so smitten with camping and the outdoors as a kid growing up on the East Coast that he worked for a time as a park ranger as an adult. Like many children of the ’90s his interests tended toward backcountry camping and the exploration of remote places. But like others of his generation he got married, had kids and discovered that unlike his favorite mug, the kids didn’t fit neatly in a backpack. There were other reasons, too, that led Naftalin and a friend to decide five years ago to split the cost of a second-hand motorhome. It was the convenience that finally led them to make the leap.
“The two factors were kids number one and wanting to go to Bachelor and camp every weekend of the winter if we wanted to with the kids,” said Naftalin.
They also found that it came in handy at music festivals where a personal bathroom is a great alternative to porta potties and the attendant conditions.
While he readily admits that he and his wife don’t fit the motorhome stereotype, it’s a contradiction that they relish. These days he loves pulling up to a cavalcade of silver-haired motorhomers and watching the reaction as his kids burst forth like soda from a shaken bottle.
Depending on the weekend, the motorhome can be headed to mountain, coast or desert. Sometimes all three. There’s always one common denominator, said Naftalin: “The family is in its most harmonious state in the camper.”
Cove Palisades State Park
If you’d rather have the convenience of full-electric hook-ups, access to shower facilities and other amenities but don’t want to sacrifice the sunsets, look north to the Cove Palisades State Park where more than 150 full RV slots are split between two campgrounds. You won’t be lacking for creature comforts but there are also opportunities for hiking and bird watching, including the annual Eagle Watch event in February that draws hundreds of birders and raptors alike. There is also ample access to Lake Billy Chinook, the expansive reservoir that lies behind the Pelton Round-Butte Dam complex at the confluence of the Deschutes, Metolius and Crooked rivers. Whether it’s fishing, pleasure boating or wakeboarding and tubing, there are plenty of ways to whittle the day away on the water. Boat rentals are offered at the marina on an hourly and daily basis.
Walton Lake
While most National Forest campgrounds are suited to accommodate RV’s and travel trailers, some are better equipped to accommodate larger vehicles. Walton Lake is one of those destinations. Several years ago the campground received a makeover to make it more accommodating for these visitors. Today the cozy campground in the Ochocos has twenty-one sites set up for RV’s and trailers. The campground offers easy access to its namesake waterbody, a small lake that is stocked with trout and includes a beach for summertime frolicking. There are also nearby hiking trails, including a loop at Walton Lake and the multi-use Round Mountain Trail.
Belknap Hot Springs
Photo by Jon Tapper
Crooked River
Photo by Mike Houska
Four Peaks Music Fest
Photo by Jon Tapper
We may not have the peaks of Yosemite or the grizzlies of Glacier, but Central Oregon is a perfect launching point for countless backcountry camping adventures. From subalpine lakes ringing the Three Sisters to the novelty of paddle-in camping at Sparks Lake, there is a backcountry itinerary for anyone who has a passion for exploration. Here is a short list of overnight backcountry trips that offer a taste of what the region offers.
Mt. Jefferson Wilderness
Just beyond the faux-Western storefronts of Sisters lie more than 100,000 acres of federally designated wilderness with the majestic Mt. Jefferson at its heart. More than 100 alpine lakes, many of them stocked with trout, dot the landscape. Almost 200 miles of trails offer untold opportunities for exploration. Depending on the time of year, don’t be surprised if you encounter hikers passing through on an epic quest to complete the 1,000-mile Pacific Crest Trail. Some forty miles of it wind through the Mt. Jefferson Wilderness. In terms of breathtaking terrain and diversity, it’s hard to beat the area. However, it’s also heavily trafficked. So much so that the Forest Service has moved to a limited entry permit system at many of the most popular areas, including Jefferson Park and the Pamelia Lake areas.
“Because Mt. Jefferson is located between major populations in the valley and Bend, Redmond and Sisters, it is very highly used. You will see a lot of people. If solitude is what you’re looking for, it’s probably not the place to go,” said Brad Peterson, wilderness manager for the Willamette National Forest. “That being said, it does have some amazingly unique characteristics that you won’t see a lot of in other places.”
Two such characteristics include the park’s eponymous peak, the second highest in the state of Oregon, and areas that are recovering from recent wildfires and offer a glimpse into how healthy ecosystems rejuvenate.
Three Sisters Wilderness & Cascade Lakes
Myriad options greet explorers of this expansive wilderness area just minutes from Bend. This is also the place where many families choose to embark on their first tentative steps into the backcountry with younger children. (It’s easier to be ambitious when your safety is a home or hotel less than an hour away.) Chad Lowe and wife Sarah Durfee made their first foray about four years ago, on an overnight trip to Todd Lake with son Ethan, then 5 and daughter Zoe, then 3.
“They carried in their stuffed animals,” recalled Lowe, an assistant principal at Redmond High School.
Since then it’s become an annual outing, usually involving other families.
“We try to pick a new spot every year and we go with two other families. They have kids around the same age. So our range expands a little every year (as the kids grow older),” said Lowe.
While the Cascade Lakes Highway opens beyond Mt. Bachelor around Memorial Day, it can be weeks before some of the area’s high country is accessible. Once the snow recedes, it opens hundreds of miles of trails and backcountry exploration options. Hikes through dense stands of hemlock and Doug fir lead to hidden waterfalls and shimmering alpine lakes tucked in the shoulders of the surrounding hillsides. Similar to Jefferson, this is a highly-trafficked area and is particularly vulnerable to human impacts. Respect the leave no trace ethos and familiarize yourself with all local regulations, including fire regulations and camping restrictions.