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  • Pacific NW

  • Written by Heather Huston Johnson

A Three-Day Ladies Trip on the Lower Deschutes River

We stood thigh-deep in the refreshing water of the Lower Deschutes River, waiting for the next fish to rise. The four of us ladies had decided to unplug from our busy lives for a 50th birthday celebration and found ourselves deep within the rolling canyons somewhere between Trout Creek and Maupin, immersed in the revitalizing beauty and energy of the river.

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Over the three-day trip our guides from Deep Canyon Outfitters, Brendan and Dylan, led us to their favorite spots—entirely uncrowded yet abundant with fish. They also taught us the golden rule of fishing—never leave fish to find fish. Our whoops and hollers echoed as we caught red band trout, one after another.

Each evening, we arrived at a fully-prepared camp, thanks to the porter, Nikolai. The birthday celebration dinner started with bacon-wrapped jalapenos as soon as we were onshore, followed by grilled pork with apricot chutney and completed with eclairs and cookies. Pure decadence!

Reflecting on last summer’s trip, we realize it wasn’t the fish caught, the wildlife glimpses or even the pampering of post-river hors d’oeuvres—it was living innocently and carefree with lifelong friends. How lucky we are to have this fisherman’s paradise right in our backyard.

“A river is water in its loveliest form, rivers have life and sound and movement and infinity of variation, rivers are veins of the earth through which the lifeblood returns to the heart.”
– Roderick Haig-Brown

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